
Online Reviews: How to Get Good Ones and Fix the Bad Ones

Online Reviews How to Get Good Ones and Fix the Bad Ones

In 2020, online reviews matter for funeral homes at least as much as they do for any other business. And in some ways, they actually matter more.

After all, would you trust the care of your recently passed loved one to a business that only averages two out of five stars from reviewers?

You probably wouldn’t care if the gas station down the street only averages two stars: As long as they have gas, you couldn’t care less about anything else. But the expectation is obviously far greater for a funeral home.

That’s why it’s so important for deathcare firms to grow and protect their online reputations, which now equate to their online reviews. You need lots of reviews, and obviously, you need them to be good!

That’s why online marketing expert Welton Hong is presenting a free webinar. It’s designed specifically for funeral professionals who want to generate more positive reviews.
Welton will also explain how to deal with negative reviews (you can often get them removed or changed to positive reviews), which review platforms you should focus on, and much more.

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