
Website Conversions: Part 3

In the third part of our series, we’ll discuss the importance of having robust, original website copy.

Part 3: Robust, Original Website Copy Can Demonstrate Your Compassionate Care

Consider your website copy as a digital sales pitch to families – your copy should showcase the compassionate care your firm offers to grieving families, so they know to select you over any competitors. Well-written, engaging, empathetic copy can significantly influence a grieving family’s decision to engage with your firm.

Here are some key elements to consider when crafting web copy:

  1. Emphasize your unique selling propositions (USPs): Clearly communicate what sets your firm apart from the competition. Highlight your USPs, such as personalized services, experienced staff, or comforting facilities, to showcase the value you provide, as well as how you can support grieving families.
  2. Craft compassionate headlines: Capture your audience’s attention with empathetic headlines that show understanding and create a connection with the reader. Your headlines should entice them to continue reading.
  3. Use persuasive language: Employ supportive, respectful language that acknowledges the emotional challenges your potential clients are facing. You can also write with urgency to motivate readers to act now.
  4. Speak your audience’s language: Understand your target audience and use language that resonates with them. Your goal is to establish credibility and connect with your readers.
  5. Break up text with subheadings and bullet points: Make your copy easy to read by breaking it up into smaller sections – like we did with this blog! Use subheadings and bullet points to organize information and make it more digestible.
  6. Include a strong call to action (CTA): Encourage your visitors to take the next step with a clear, compassionate CTA. Make sure your CTA is prominent and easily visible.

By crafting robust, original website copy that highlights your USPs, engages with your audience and motivates them to act, you can significantly improve your website’s conversion rates. Make sure you read next week’s final installment of our series, which will focus on pictures, walk-through videos, and other engaging media.

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