Funeral,Marketing Guides

The DIY Guide to Maximizing Your Funeral Home’s Google Listing

Why is the Google 3-Pack Important for Your Funeral Home Business?

If you’re running a funeral home business, you would rely on actual visitors to your location to generate revenue. It’s important to maximize your funeral home marketing strategy to make the most out of your online presence. The more you appear on local searches, the more clients you will get. Today, more than 50 percent of search queries are now resolved without a single click, which means users aren’t looking past the SERPs to find answers to their questions, which could lead to a significant drop in traffic numbers for your website when you rely solely on click-throughs. That’s why ranking on the Google three pack matters most.

“The DIY Guide to Maximizing Your Funeral Home’s Google Listing” shows you step-by-step how to claim your Google Business Profile and optimize your Google Listing to generate more at-need calls for your deathcare firm.

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