
Website User Experience 101: Why Deathcare Firms Can’t Ignore It

Deathcare professionals already know a lot about user experience. The funeral industry is people-facing, and all that separates you from the competition is how well you attend to the needs of your clientele.

Did you know those same rules apply online with funeral home website marketing? No matter how clever and correct your content is, if user experience on your site is poor, clientele is likely to click away and check out the competition.

What Is User Experience?

Also known as UX, this refers to how people experience a product or service. In this case, we’re talking about how they experience your website. Is it fast? Easy to use? Enjoyable to look at? Those are all elements of UX.

Why Does User Experience Matter?

User experience matters because people who become frustrated by your site won’t stick around. If they can’t find what they’re looking for in a few seconds, they’re likely to turn to someone else for the information. Poor UX causes you to lose out on potential clientele.

But it’s more than losing the interest of someone who arrives on your website. Poor UX can reduce the traffic on your site altogether. That’s because Google and other search engines use UX indicators, such as page speed, as ranking factors for search results. In short: Poor user experience can negatively impact your search engine optimization.

Three Things You Can Do Now to Enhance UX

  1. Ensure page speed is high. Most people leave a page if it doesn’t load in less than three seconds, and Google likes to see pages load fully in around 2.5 seconds.
  2. Create visually pleasing pages. Google’s Core Web Vitals, which the search engine uses as a ranking signal, looks at whether the visual elements on a page are easy to follow and understand. Flashing images, rapidly scrolling fonts, and overall “busy” pages aren’t good for SEO or your human users.
  3. Correct broken links. Use a tool such as to quickly find and correct broken links on your site for an easy boost to UX.

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