Three Ways Funeral Home Marketing Should Point to the People Behind Your Business
Word of mouth matters, especially in an industry as people-centric as death care. Online, word of mouth takes on numerous forms, including reviews. But it also means people sharing and linking to your site and pages.
For funeral home marketing, one way to foster more backlinks is by putting people at the forefront of your marketing. Why? You run a business that provides services to families in need, so potential clients want to know you’re compassionate and caring. Putting a human face on marketing helps convey that.
Here are three ways you can point to the people behind your business in your funeral home content marketing efforts:
1. Use Bylines and Bios on Your Blog Posts
Let your staff show off their knowledge and compassion by penning posts for your funeral home’s blog. Create bios and bylines for these posts to take advantage of Google authorship benefits too.
Make sure you include headshots or other pictures of the faces behind the content so readers feel even more connected with it. It’s a great way to make local families feel close with your staff immediately.
2. Post Interviews with Your Staff Experts
If members of your staff don’t feel comfortable or qualified to write their own posts, have an admin or content writer interview them and create posts on their behalf. Quotes from your staff in blog posts can have as much impact as posts written by those same individuals.
3. Create Opportunities for Staff to Engage on Social Media
Don’t keep funeral home marketing a one-way street. Create opportunities for your staff to engage potential clientele on social media. Someone from your firm should regularly monitor your social channels and respond in tactful, professional ways to comments and questions.
You might also consider hosting Facebook or Instagram live Q&As with expert staff members who can answer questions from your audience about subjects such as preplanning, memorial options, or cremation.
By ensuring the people behind your services shine through in your online marketing, you make it easier for others to engage with you. And that can lead to more backlinks and shares.