
Three Small Details that Can Improve Funeral Home Mobile SEO

If you’re not putting your marketing eggs in the mobile basket, you’re making a grave mistake in death care marketing.

Mobile search volume eclipsed desktop on the Google search engine all the way back in 2015, and mobile hasn’t looked back since. For death care companies, that means you must employ funeral home marketing strategies that take mobile fully into account. You don’t want potential at-need clientele to have trouble trying to find and contact you on a smartphone.

And though the devices might be smaller, every detail does count. Here are three facts you should know about funeral home mobile SEO:

1. Tags Matter
Content on your mobile site should be optimized with the right keywords. Try to place keywords toward the beginning of content and in a header or two. But on mobile, tags (including alt image tags) are also important. With more content becoming visual, image tags provide a place to include relevant keywords without clogging up on-page content.

2. Images and Menus Deserve Special Attention
You might know that Google likes responsive design, but do you also know that responsive design doesn’t automatically equate to being “mobile friendly“? Check your images and navigation to ensure your death care site works well for mobile users.

Images should be scaled for use on mobile screens. That means loading a different version of images for various viewports (something your web developer can do).

Menus should be simple to limit scrolling for mobile users. Google says “hamburger menus”—the three bars that drop down to larger menus when you click them—are acceptable and won’t mess up funeral home mobile SEO.

3. Pop-ups Can Be Potential Problems
Pop-ups that invite users to sign up for a newsletter or take other action are popular, and they can drive higher engagement rates. But pop-ups that work fine on desktop might be annoying to mobile users.

If you want to use pop-ups to encourage interaction, make sure it’s easy for visitors to click out of them and return to mobile content. Mobile SEO depends on families in need (and those looking to prearrange) interacting with your content, and they won’t do that if they can’t get past a guardian pop-up page.

The bottom line with funeral home mobile SEO strategies is this: You shouldn’t assume your responsive site design translates to mobile-friendly pages that will win points with Google and potential clientele. Always ensure that your pages perform well on various devices.

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