
Google E-E-A-T Part 5: Creating Quality Content

This is the last post in our five-part series on creating quality content by following Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines. If you missed the details on experience, expertise, authority, and trust, go back through the Tuesday Ring Ring Marketing blog posts for this month.

Once you’re all caught up on E-E-A-T requirements, we have seven more tips for creating high-quality content that performs well in the search engines and helps persuade consumers to choose your firm for deathcare needs.

  • Address one main point. Every piece of content you publish should have one major takeaway for the reader. Branching off into tangents in a single landing page, blog post, or social media post confuses the reader, making them more likely to click away from your content. For example, if you’re posting a listicle of 15 urn choices, you can mention and link to a page on preplanning, but you don’t need an entire subsection on this topic.
  • Use the right keywords. Conduct keyword research to find out how people are searching for information related to your products and services. Use those keywords to inform your content and include the keywords on your pages when possible.
  • Make use of whitespace. Avoid creating long walls of text. They can be discouraging for internet readers, especially those using mobile devices. Instead, build in plenty of white space with short paragraphs, bulleted lists, and subheadings so your content is scannable.
  • Add other media types. Remember that everyone engages with information in different ways. Include text, video, and image content on your pages for the best results.
  • Educate the reader. Don’t just sell your deathcare services. Provide content that is helpful to the reader. One of the best ways to do this is to educate your audience. For example, a cemetery might publish content on the difference between headstones and grave markers or how to best plan a visit to the gravesite of a loved one.
  • Factcheck everything. You might be an expert in your niche, but anyone can transpose numbers when including a statistic in their content. Even when you’re sure you’re correct, double-check any facts and claims in your content to ensure accuracy.
  • Proof content and then have someone else proof it. Ensure all content you publish goes through a proofreading or editing stage. The most factually accurate, helpful content in the world might be deemed low quality if it’s riddled with typos and grammatical errors.

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