
Deathcare Marketing Trends 2023: Conversational Marketing

Every Tuesday this month, we’re looking at a 2023 digital marketing trend that deathcare firms may want to explore going into the new year. We’re keeping it simple, choosing trends that are easy to engage with whether your funeral home is keeping up with content marketing technology or just jumping on the modern digital marketing train.

This week’s trend is conversational marketing.

What Is Conversational Marketing?

Conversational marketing refers to talking one-on-one with potential clientele throughout their decision-making process. This is different from a conversational tone, which is a writing style that sounds as if you’re giving information to a friend. This blog post is written in a conversational tone, but it’s not conversational marketing.

Conversational marketing can happen via telephone, face-to-face conversations, web calls, social media platforms, and chats.

Ways Deathcare Firms Can Engage in Conversational Marketing

  • Add a chat option to your deathcare website. Chats are an ideal way to foster conversations, especially for consumers under age 65. Younger people often prefer to start with online chat, especially when they have basic questions. Set up a chatbot to welcome people to your site and prompt them to get connected with a person. You can even program the chatbot to answer simple questions or direct people to information during off hours when a person isn’t available to engage in conversational marketing.
  • Put someone in charge of social media messages. Ensure someone is checking your active social media profiles at least once a day to respond to comments and questions as well as direct messages. Many consumers are comfortable opening initial contact via DMs, and if you’re not checking those, you’re missing important conversational marketing opportunities.
  • Create opportunities for meaningful touchpoints. Offer consumers meaningful ways to connect with your deathcare staff. Making it easy to call your business is important, but consider hosting webinars and lunch-and-learns to provide an opportunity for face-to-face conversation and learning without the pressure of starting with a one-on-one conversation.

Check back next week for a content marketing trend that goes hand-in-hand with conversational marketing.

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