6 Questions to Ask When Creating Your Deathcare Social Media Marketing Strategy
Last Tuesday on the blog, we told you why social media marketing is a channel you should consider in 2023 and beyond. Whether you’re starting new with deathcare social media marketing or you’re already using Facebook, Instagram, or another channel, taking some time to consider important questions can help you create a more viable strategy.
Here are six questions to answer as you plan for social media marketing this year:
- What are your business-focused marketing goals? It’s easy to get caught up in vanity metrics on social media, chasing likes and shares for their own sake. That can lead to wasting time and even diluting your brand as you chase the next viral trend. Keeping business goals in mind and aligning digital marketing efforts with them helps avoid these issues.
- Who is your target audience? As with any type of marketing, social media messaging requires you to speak directly to your target audience. To do that, you must know who they are. If you haven’t already, take time to sketch out marketing personas. These are fictional people that represent segments of your audience; it’s easier to consider one person than many faceless people.
- Where online does your audience hang out? Once you define your audience, think about where they might hang out online. Older generations tend to be on Facebook but not Twitter or Instagram, for example. Millennials are more likely to be on Instagram, and Gen-Z can be found on TikTok and Snapchat.
- What kind of content might work well for your audience? Think about the type of content that will resonate with your audience. The content must also match the platform. For example, Instagram requires video or images while Facebook and Twitter don’t (though posts on all platforms tend to perform better when an image, video, or link is included along with the text).
- What resources do you have for social media marketing? Your resources determine how you run social media marketing campaigns. Can someone monitor social platforms daily? If so, you might post daily. If you can only pay attention to social once or twice a week, you might only post a few times a week.
- How can you automate social media marketing? Consider using social media automation tools such as Hootsuite or Later. These tools let you plan and create content weeks or months ahead of time and automatically share them on social media.
Once you answer these six questions, you’re well on your way to launching a social media marketing strategy for your deathcare firm. Check out next Tuesday’s blog, where we highlight three easy tips for creating cohesive brand images to use on social media.