
3 Steps for Creating Strong Funeral Home Page Meta Descriptions

The meta description is the short blurb that appears in the search engine under the title/link for your page. More than 40% of people click on a link based solely on the meta description.

Unfortunately, many businesses get meta descriptions wrong, in part because the information available on meta best practices is confusing and contradictory. We’ve simplified the issue with three steps for creating compelling funeral home page meta descriptions that help you get clicks.

1. Start With an Action Verb

Meta descriptions are calls to action (CTAs) within the search engines. You’re calling the searcher to pick your page out of the results and click on it. Starting with an action verb puts the reader in the frame of mind to, well, act.

Action verbs also make it easy to quickly say what the reader can expect on your page. “Learn more about,” for example, implies you have information waiting that they may want or need.

2. Follow Two-Sentence Formula

Don’t spend time overthinking meta descriptions. Use a two-sentence formula that tells the person what to do and why:

  • Learn about options for preplanning your final arrangements. Getting your wishes in writing protects your legacy and removes a burden from loved ones.
  • Discover creative ways to honor a lost loved one. Custom memorial services are a beautiful way to remember a loved one and find closure.

3. Keep It Short, But Don’t Sweat the Character Count

Because Google loves to keep it simple (definite sarcasm fonts), the maximum length of meta descriptions is currently measured in pixels as opposed to characters. It’s 920 pixels on computers and 680 pixels on mobile devices. That’s between 120 and 158 characters before Google truncates your copy.

You can do a lot with that character count. Both of the example meta descriptions in the section above are less than 158 characters. But don’t worry if you go a few characters over; just make sure the meat and potatoes of the message are in that first sentence.

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